Water Treatment Clients Success Stories
Read about TGWT through its customers testimonials
testimonials video Short version 1 min 30 sec

Beaulieu Canada
We were impatiently awaiting first boiler inspection, and much to our surprise, even with increase in conductivity in the boilers, TG3106 product had already dissolved 50% of tube deposits. Furthermore, energy efficiency had already increased by 6%.
After 11 years, we are still very satisfied and pleased with our decision. We encourage you to put your fears aside, and give TGWT products a try. You will not regret it.
Pulp & Paper
Cascades Converdis
With the increase in conductivity, came better heat transfer which brought a reduction in
operating costs.
Product used is TG3124. It enables superior water quality and cleaner
equipment, thus increasing lifetime and cutting down on maintenance costs.

Fleurimont and Hotel-Dieu hospitals steam plants have several systems treated by TGWT.
Steam boiler water is being treated with TG3106 Tannin Technology. Product is environmentally friendly and improved energy efficiency with reduced effluent.
Cooling Tower treatment is based on RBQ regulations which are taken from ASHREA recommendations. Program includes a corrosion inhibitor, an oxidizing biocide, and a biodispersant to keep surfaces biofilm free. This program has proven effective in controlling Legionella and preserving equipment.

University of Sherbrooke
Thanks to their expertise, conscientiousness, and understanding of our needs, we have been in close collaboration with TGWT for several years, allowing excellent protection of our water systems, including a perfect follow up and tracking of RBQ regulations regarding cooling
tower maintenance.
We are very pleased with the services offered, and the quality of their products.
Beton Lecuyer
Ultimately, our boiler inspection showed significant improvement in the general condition, tubes were clean, with very slight deposits, nothing like last inspection. The boiler has cleaned itself with the use of Tannins.
Furthermore, considerable savings were made with the use of this one product.

Building Products
BP Lasalle
We have successfully been using their product for 10 years.
Join us in trying the Tannin product, and you’ll surely adopt.
Dry Kiln
Dosage of product is easy and no dangerous goods are to be manipulated or mixed.
Results were surprising in both energy savings and boiler inspection that showed a clean surface. All deposits and scale were gone.

Quebec city region
We have been using the Tannin product for the past 5 years, and the product has proven to be successful.
Today, one single product (TG3106) fulfills and even exceeds all requirements. We have significantly reduced blowdowns from 5% to 1%, thus representing a 10% makeup water reduction, energy savings, fuel savings (1.44%), and greenhouse gas reductions.

Building Products
BP Joliette
The quality of protection attained with the TG 3106 product has been proven in both extending boiler lifetime, and in energy savings thanks to its high conductivity tolerance without creating carryover.
We are very proud of results shown in daily monitoring. Boiler probes were inspected and found to be impeccable, without any deposits.