ProMoss™ for Cooling Towers
Scale and corrosion and biofilm inhibitor, plant-based, for cooling towers and evaporative condensers water treatment
Totally natural, based on sphagnum moss
Reduction of hazardous materials handling
Second life: compost, fertilizer and oil & grease absorption
Description Of The Technology
ProMoss™: A totally green chemistry based approach to cooling tower water treatment. To minimize the risk of legionella and to prevent scale and corrosion.
Environmental benefit: Second life after use
Absorption of oils & fats Compost / Fertilizers
Environmental benefit:
OHS Risk Reduction
Reduced handling of hazardous material
Cost benefit: Reduced transport
3.15kg vs 240kg
Less volume and no class of transport
Cost benefit: Reduced water consumption costs
Less make-up water and less waste water down the drain
Dosing method #1
A cage is plunged directly into the cooling tower or water retention tank. The ProMoss™ is changed every month during the service visit of our representatives.
Dosing method #2
Specially designed equipment is installed in bypass of the cooling tower water supply lines. The ProMoss™ is changed every month during the service visit of our representatives.
The ProMoss™ is billed as a monthly flat rate and includes the necessary products and equipment.
Several applications are currently running in North America. We can provide you with case studies upon request.