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Steam Boiler Energy Analysis

TGWT holds a license for the Clozit platform used to produce mass balances for boiler rooms.

Send us your data and we will produce an energy analysis showing the efficiency of your boiler room 

Your data
Before & After
Clozit Mass Balance Cloud Platform Logo

Clozit allows for advanced analysis of your boiler room data: 

  1. Learn where you can improve on steam or cooling operation by analyzing your mass balance.

  2. Reduce your water & energy consumption while reducing your overall operating costs.

  3. Discover sustainable water treatment approaches that can improve your installations without CapEx.

  4. Accurate numbers to measure performance and evaluate your water treatment profesionnal.

Receive a complete 6-page document that will allow you to identify, for your steam boilers:

  • Energy savings

  • Reduction of water consumption

  • Reduction GHG emissions

  • Reduction of discharges to the sewer (wastewater)

Learn more on Clozit

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